Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lab 3 web devo

Site that uses image links to provide navigation:

1)What colours are used on the image links?:

The colours used on the image links are blue and some red.

2) If the image links contain text, is there good contrast between the background color and letters on the image links?

Yes there is good contrast between the the background and letters on the image link. The background colour is plain white while the image link is heavy bold blue colour.

3) Would the page be accessible to a visitor who is sight-challenged?

Yes is think the page is accessible to a visitor who is sight challenged as the layout is plain and simple, it has the highlighted txt in bright colours, bold print and easy read. There is good spacing as well as each link has a picture beside it.

4)How have accessibility issues been addressed?

The site has its own accessibility help page which handels with issues such as people with disabilities. It allows users to use the default settings for people with sight problems and other problems

5)Is the alt attribute used to describe the image link?
Yes, when the image is highlight it gives a description of the image link.

6)Is there a row of text links in the footer section of the page?
There are columbs of texts on the footer section of the page which give additional help, other yahoo sites and business marketing options.

7)Apply Nielsen’s heuristics to this site.

User is always informed, consistant feedback, feedback on what user has input or clicked. When a link is clicked, the link changes to a different colour.

Clear understanding of language being used. Good mapping for example there is buttons for next image and previous on the main page. Flexibility and effiency, prevents errors being made by user.

There is reconginition instead of recal. User has full accessibility control, for example user is able to forward, go previous, help, default use user friendly interface.

There is consistancy and standrads, the site is consistantly updated.

No irrelevant or rarely needed information in dialogues -> diminishes visibility
Extraneous information on a page distracts user & slows them down.
Use progressive levels of detail.
Support different uses of content. No brochures.

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